Contact Cadillac Products Packaging Company for all your flexible packaging material needs!
With facilities strategically located in the Mid-West we are located for fast and efficient service to both coasts and everywhere in between.
Have any questions, comments, or concerns? Fill out the form below and we will respond as soon as possible.

Corporate Headquarters
5800 Crooks Road Ste 200
Troy, MI 48098
Tel: (248) 879-5000
Fax: (248) 879-7420

Dallas Plant
271 Cadillac Parkway
Dallas, Georgia 30157
Tel: (770) 445-0015
Fax: (770) 445-0660

Paris Plant
2005 South Main Street
Paris, Illinois 61944-2950
Tel: (217) 463-1444
Fax: (217) 463-1341